Market Cap $2,853,723,499,798
Dominance BTC 61.50% ETH 8.52% XRP 4.81%

Worldwide Usd Price Prediction

In the light of different statistical prediction methods and past price analysis we can calculate Worldwide Usd price predictions. We are using complex Worldwide Usd historical data and combine it with WUSD moving averages on different time frames. Moreover, we check hourly and daily Worldwide Usd volume and market cap fluctuations and add these values to our WUSD prediction data to maximize the precision of our Worldwide Usd forecast. Broad historical data and general market conditions are also used on all our Worldwide Usd predictions. All Worldwide Usd price forecasts are predictions and they are not perfect. If you are planning to invest in Worldwide Usd, be sure to check our forecasts. You can find the future price predictions of Worldwide Usd below.

Worldwide Usd Price Prediction 2025, 2028, 2033

yearmin. priceavg. pricemax. price

Worldwide Usd Price Prediction tomorrow

By looking at the very recent price changes and hourly candlestick data in Worldwide Usd, our price prediction system calculates Worldwide Usd could be very close to 0.99975 USD tomorrow as a closing price. However, as this is a prediction system and not a precise value, this WUSD prediction may vary by 8% both upwards and downwards.

Worldwide Usd Price Forecast (30 days)

According to our in-depth technical analysis on past price data of Worldwide Usd, we predict the WUSD price in one month could be 0.99953 USD.

Worldwide Usd Info

Worldwide Usd (WUSD)
WUSD Live Price$0.99965
Market Cap$6,882,687
Available Supply6,884,747
24h Volume$2,198,389
24h high$1.001
24h low$0.99877
All-time High (ATH)$1.074
All-time High (ATH) DateMarch 14, 2024

Worldwide Usd Price Change

Price Change (1 hour)-0.03%
Price Change (24 hours)0%
Price Change (7 days)-0.02%
Price Change (30 days)-0.07%
Price Change (1 year)-0.05%
Price Change Since ATH-6.93%

Worldwide Usd Chart

Worldwide Usd Price Prediction 2025

Based on our predictions in 2025 Worldwide Usd minimum price will be $0.75788. The Worldwide Usd (WUSD) price can reach to a maximum level of $1.26314. The average price we predict is $1.01051.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
March 2025$0.74862$0.99816$1.2477
April 2025$0.74965$0.99953$1.24941
May 2025$0.75068$1.0009$1.25113
June 2025$0.75171$1.00228$1.25285
July 2025$0.75274$1.00365$1.25456
August 2025$0.75377$1.00502$1.25628
September 2025$0.75479$1.00639$1.25799
October 2025$0.75583$1.00777$1.25971
November 2025$0.75686$1.00914$1.26143
December 2025$0.75788$1.01051$1.26314

Worldwide Usd Price Prediction 2026

By looking at the Worldwide Usd past price fluctuations our AI forecasts the minimum, average and maximum WUSD prices as $1.65545, $2.20726, $2.75908
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2026$0.83268$1.11024$1.3878
February 2026$0.90748$1.20997$1.51246
March 2026$0.98228$1.3097$1.63713
April 2026$1.05707$1.40943$1.76179
May 2026$1.13187$1.50916$1.88645
June 2026$1.20667$1.60889$2.01111
July 2026$1.28146$1.70861$2.13576
August 2026$1.35626$1.80834$2.26043
September 2026$1.43105$1.90807$2.38509
October 2026$1.50585$2.0078$2.50975
November 2026$1.58065$2.10753$2.63441
December 2026$1.65545$2.20726$2.75908

Worldwide Usd Price Forecast 2027

As per our Worldwide Usd forecasts and technical analysis, the lowest Worldwide Usd price in 2027 could be $2.47986 and the average price of Worldwide Usd could be $3.30648. Also the highest WUSD price might go as high as $4.1331
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2027$1.72415$2.29886$2.87358
February 2027$1.79285$2.39046$2.98808
March 2027$1.86155$2.48207$3.10259
April 2027$1.93025$2.57367$3.21709
May 2027$1.99895$2.66527$3.33159
June 2027$2.06765$2.75687$3.44609
July 2027$2.13635$2.84847$3.56059
August 2027$2.20505$2.94007$3.67509
September 2027$2.27376$3.03168$3.7896
October 2027$2.34246$3.12328$3.9041
November 2027$2.41116$3.21488$4.0186
December 2027$2.47986$3.30648$4.1331

WUSD Price Prediction 2028

According to our well-developed prediction system average Worldwide Usd price would be $4.55633. When checking the lowest possible WUSD price it would be $3.41725 and the highest possible Worldwide Usd price could be $5.69541
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2028$2.55797$3.41063$4.26329
February 2028$2.63609$3.51479$4.39349
March 2028$2.71421$3.61894$4.52368
April 2028$2.79233$3.7231$4.65388
May 2028$2.87044$3.82725$4.78406
June 2028$2.94856$3.93141$4.91426
July 2028$3.02667$4.03556$5.04445
August 2028$3.10478$4.13971$5.17464
September 2028$3.1829$4.24387$5.30484
October 2028$3.26102$4.34802$5.43503
November 2028$3.33914$4.45218$5.56523
December 2028$3.41725$4.55633$5.69541

WUSD Price Forecast 2029

In 2029, we predict the maximum Worldwide Usd price could be $7.73438 and the minimum Worldwide Usd price could be $4.64063. For 2029 the most realistic price and the average price of WUSD could be $6.1875.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2029$3.5192$4.69226$5.86533
February 2029$3.62114$4.82819$6.03524
March 2029$3.72309$4.96412$6.20515
April 2029$3.82504$5.10005$6.37506
May 2029$3.92699$5.23598$6.54498
June 2029$4.02894$5.37192$6.7149
July 2029$4.13089$5.50785$6.88481
August 2029$4.23284$5.64378$7.05473
September 2029$4.33478$5.77971$7.22464
October 2029$4.43673$5.91564$7.39455
November 2029$4.53868$6.05157$7.56446
December 2029$4.64063$6.1875$7.73438

WUSD Price Forecast 2030

On the other hand, in 2030, we forecast the lowest possible price of Worldwide Usd as $6.20916 whereas the highest possible WUSD price could be $10.3486. We predict the average Worldwide Usd price might be $8.27888 in 2030.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2030$4.77134$6.36178$7.95223
February 2030$4.90205$6.53606$8.17008
March 2030$5.03276$6.71035$8.38794
April 2030$5.16347$6.88463$8.60579
May 2030$5.29418$7.05891$8.82364
June 2030$5.42489$7.23319$9.04149
July 2030$5.5556$7.40747$9.25934
August 2030$5.68631$7.58175$9.47719
September 2030$5.81703$7.75604$9.69505
October 2030$5.94774$7.93032$9.9129
November 2030$6.07845$8.1046$10.1308
December 2030$6.20916$8.27888$10.3486

Worldwide Usd (WUSD) Price Prediction 2031

Worldwide Usd price is predicted to reach a maximum level of $13.6395 in 2031. According to our WUSD technical forecast the minimum Worldwide Usd price could reach as low as $8.1837 while the average price for WUSD is $10.9116.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2031$6.3737$8.49827$10.6228
February 2031$6.53825$8.71767$10.8971
March 2031$6.7028$8.93706$11.1713
April 2031$6.86734$9.15645$11.4456
May 2031$7.03189$9.37585$11.7198
June 2031$7.19643$9.59524$11.9941
July 2031$7.36097$9.81463$12.2683
August 2031$7.5255$10.034$12.5425
September 2031$7.69005$10.2534$12.8168
October 2031$7.8546$10.4728$13.091
November 2031$8.01915$10.6922$13.3653
December 2031$8.1837$10.9116$13.6395

Worldwide Usd (WUSD) Price Forecast 2032

When we calculate the Worldwide Usd near future price prediction for 2032, we find out the lowest possible price for Worldwide Usd is predicted to be $10.6225 whereas the highest possible price for Worldwide Usd forecast is $17.7041. In 2032, the average WUSD price prediction is $14.1633.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2032$8.38695$11.1826$13.9783
February 2032$8.5902$11.4536$14.317
March 2032$8.79338$11.7245$14.6556
April 2032$8.99663$11.9955$14.9944
May 2032$9.19988$12.2665$15.3331
June 2032$9.40313$12.5375$15.6719
July 2032$9.6063$12.8084$16.0105
August 2032$9.80955$13.0794$16.3493
September 2032$10.0128$13.3504$16.688
October 2032$10.2161$13.6214$17.0268
November 2032$10.4192$13.8923$17.3654
December 2032$10.6225$14.1633$17.7041

WUSD (Worldwide Usd) Price Prediction 2033

Based on the Worldwide Usd historical price data, in 2033, we calculate the Worldwide Usd price forecast average as $18.1007, however the highest WUSD price could reach $22.6259 while the lowest Worldwide Usd price could drop as low as $13.5755.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2033$10.8686$14.4914$18.1143
February 2033$11.1146$14.8195$18.5244
March 2033$11.3608$15.1477$18.9346
April 2033$11.6069$15.4758$19.3448
May 2033$11.8529$15.8039$19.7549
June 2033$12.099$16.132$20.165
July 2033$12.3451$16.4601$20.5751
August 2033$12.5912$16.7882$20.9853
September 2033$12.8373$17.1164$21.3955
October 2033$13.0834$17.4445$21.8056
November 2033$13.3295$17.7726$22.2158
December 2033$13.5755$18.1007$22.6259

Frequently Asked Questions

🏧 Where can I buy Worldwide Usd?
You can easily buy Worldwide Usd from BINANCE and trade or invest there.
💰 Is Worldwide Usd a good investment?
Based on our forecast, in short term Worldwide Usd is a bad investment and in the long term Worldwide Usd is a good investment.
⚡ What will be the Worldwide Usd price tomorrow?
By looking at our calculations, Worldwide Usd price could be $0.99975 tomorrow as closing price.
📉 What will be the lowest price for Worldwide Usd in the future?
Per our forecast, the lowest possible price for Worldwide Usd could be $0.75788.
🚀 What will be the highest price for Worldwide Usd in the future?
Per our forecast, the highest possible price for Worldwide Usd could be $22.6259.