Market Cap $2,439,456,337,008
Dominance BTC 59.73% ETH 13.00% BNB 3.62%

Whitebit Coin Price Prediction

In the light of different statistical prediction methods and past price analysis we can calculate Whitebit Coin price predictions. We are using complex Whitebit Coin historical data and combine it with WBT moving averages on different time frames. Moreover, we check hourly and daily Whitebit Coin volume and market cap fluctuations and add these values to our WBT prediction data to maximize the precision of our Whitebit Coin forecast. Broad historical data and general market conditions are also used on all our Whitebit Coin predictions. All Whitebit Coin price forecasts are predictions and they are not perfect. If you are planning to invest in Whitebit Coin, be sure to check our forecasts. You can find the future price predictions of Whitebit Coin below.

Whitebit Coin Price Prediction 2025, 2028, 2033

yearmin. priceavg. pricemax. price

Whitebit Coin Price Prediction tomorrow

By looking at the very recent price changes and hourly candlestick data in Whitebit Coin, our price prediction system calculates Whitebit Coin could be very close to 18.8961 USD tomorrow as a closing price. However, as this is a prediction system and not a precise value, this WBT prediction may vary by 8% both upwards and downwards.

Whitebit Coin Price Forecast (30 days)

According to our in-depth technical analysis on past price data of Whitebit Coin, we predict the WBT price in one month could be 19.9883 USD.

Whitebit Coin Info

Whitebit Coin (WBT)
WBT Live Price$18.86
Market Cap$2,719,945,744
Available Supply144,118,517
24h Volume$2,936,515
24h high$19.08
24h low$18.72
All-time High (ATH)$19.17
All-time High (ATH) DateOctober 29, 2024

Whitebit Coin Price Change

Price Change (1 hour)0.05%
Price Change (24 hours)-0.62%
Price Change (7 days)1.65%
Price Change (30 days)66.34%
Price Change (1 year)250.22%
Price Change Since ATH-1.49%

Whitebit Coin Chart

Whitebit Coin Price Prediction 2025

Based on our predictions in 2025 Whitebit Coin minimum price will be $11.9074. The Whitebit Coin (WBT) price can reach to a maximum level of $19.8456. The average price we predict is $15.8765.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2025$15.2996$20.3995$25.4994
February 2025$14.9912$19.9883$24.9854
March 2025$14.6828$19.5771$24.4714
April 2025$14.3744$19.1659$23.9574
May 2025$14.0661$18.7548$23.4435
June 2025$13.7577$18.3436$22.9295
July 2025$13.4493$17.9324$22.4155
August 2025$13.1409$17.5212$21.9015
September 2025$12.8325$17.11$21.3875
October 2025$12.5242$16.6989$20.8736
November 2025$12.2158$16.2877$20.3596
December 2025$11.9074$15.8765$19.8456

Whitebit Coin Price Prediction 2026

By looking at the Whitebit Coin past price fluctuations our AI forecasts the minimum, average and maximum WBT prices as $26.0093, $34.6791, $43.3489
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2026$13.0826$17.4434$21.8043
February 2026$14.2577$19.0103$23.7629
March 2026$15.4329$20.5772$25.7215
April 2026$16.608$22.144$27.68
May 2026$17.7832$23.7109$29.6386
June 2026$18.9584$25.2778$31.5973
July 2026$20.1335$26.8447$33.5559
August 2026$21.3087$28.4116$35.5145
September 2026$22.4839$29.9785$37.4731
October 2026$23.659$31.5453$39.4316
November 2026$24.8342$33.1122$41.3903
December 2026$26.0093$34.6791$43.3489

Whitebit Coin Price Forecast 2027

As per our Whitebit Coin forecasts and technical analysis, the lowest Whitebit Coin price in 2027 could be $38.962 and the average price of Whitebit Coin could be $51.9493. Also the highest WBT price might go as high as $64.9366
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2027$27.0887$36.1183$45.1479
February 2027$28.1681$37.5575$46.9469
March 2027$29.2475$38.9967$48.7459
April 2027$30.3269$40.4358$50.5448
May 2027$31.4063$41.875$52.3438
June 2027$32.4857$43.3142$54.1428
July 2027$33.5651$44.7534$55.9418
August 2027$34.6445$46.1926$57.7408
September 2027$35.7239$47.6318$59.5398
October 2027$36.8032$49.0709$61.3386
November 2027$37.8826$50.5101$63.1376
December 2027$38.962$51.9493$64.9366

WBT Price Prediction 2028

According to our well-developed prediction system average Whitebit Coin price would be $71.5861. When checking the lowest possible WBT price it would be $53.6896 and the highest possible Whitebit Coin price could be $89.4826
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2028$40.1893$53.5857$66.9821
February 2028$41.4166$55.2221$69.0276
March 2028$42.6439$56.8585$71.0731
April 2028$43.8712$58.4949$73.1186
May 2028$45.0985$60.1313$75.1641
June 2028$46.3258$61.7677$77.2096
July 2028$47.5531$63.4041$79.2551
August 2028$48.7804$65.0405$81.3006
September 2028$50.0077$66.6769$83.3461
October 2028$51.235$68.3133$85.3916
November 2028$52.4623$69.9497$87.4371
December 2028$53.6896$71.5861$89.4826

WBT Price Forecast 2029

In 2029, we predict the maximum Whitebit Coin price could be $121.517 and the minimum Whitebit Coin price could be $72.9104. For 2029 the most realistic price and the average price of WBT could be $97.2139.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2029$55.2914$73.7218$92.1523
February 2029$56.8931$75.8574$94.8218
March 2029$58.4948$77.9931$97.4914
April 2029$60.0965$80.1287$100.161
May 2029$61.6983$82.2644$102.831
June 2029$63.3$84.4$105.5
July 2029$64.9018$86.5357$108.17
August 2029$66.5035$88.6713$110.839
September 2029$68.1053$90.807$113.509
October 2029$69.707$92.9426$116.178
November 2029$71.3087$95.0783$118.848
December 2029$72.9104$97.2139$121.517

WBT Price Forecast 2030

On the other hand, in 2030, we forecast the lowest possible price of Whitebit Coin as $97.554 whereas the highest possible WBT price could be $162.59. We predict the average Whitebit Coin price might be $130.072 in 2030.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2030$74.9641$99.9521$124.94
February 2030$77.0175$102.69$128.363
March 2030$79.071$105.428$131.785
April 2030$81.1253$108.167$135.209
May 2030$83.1788$110.905$138.631
June 2030$85.2323$113.643$142.054
July 2030$87.2858$116.381$145.476
August 2030$89.3393$119.119$148.899
September 2030$91.3928$121.857$152.321
October 2030$93.447$124.596$155.745
November 2030$95.5005$127.334$159.168
December 2030$97.554$130.072$162.59

Whitebit Coin (WBT) Price Prediction 2031

Whitebit Coin price is predicted to reach a maximum level of $214.294 in 2031. According to our WBT technical forecast the minimum Whitebit Coin price could reach as low as $128.576 while the average price for WBT is $171.435.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2031$100.139$133.519$166.899
February 2031$102.725$136.966$171.208
March 2031$105.31$140.413$175.516
April 2031$107.895$143.86$179.825
May 2031$110.48$147.307$184.134
June 2031$113.066$150.754$188.443
July 2031$115.65$154.2$192.75
August 2031$118.235$157.647$197.059
September 2031$120.821$161.094$201.368
October 2031$123.406$164.541$205.676
November 2031$125.991$167.988$209.985
December 2031$128.576$171.435$214.294

Whitebit Coin (WBT) Price Forecast 2032

When we calculate the Whitebit Coin near future price prediction for 2032, we find out the lowest possible price for Whitebit Coin is predicted to be $166.892 whereas the highest possible price for Whitebit Coin forecast is $278.154. In 2032, the average WBT price prediction is $222.523.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2032$131.769$175.692$219.615
February 2032$134.963$179.95$224.938
March 2032$138.155$184.207$230.259
April 2032$141.348$188.464$235.58
May 2032$144.542$192.722$240.903
June 2032$147.734$196.979$246.224
July 2032$150.927$201.236$251.545
August 2032$154.121$205.494$256.868
September 2032$157.313$209.751$262.189
October 2032$160.506$214.008$267.51
November 2032$163.7$218.266$272.833
December 2032$166.892$222.523$278.154

WBT (Whitebit Coin) Price Prediction 2033

Based on the Whitebit Coin historical price data, in 2033, we calculate the Whitebit Coin price forecast average as $284.384, however the highest WBT price could reach $355.48 while the lowest Whitebit Coin price could drop as low as $213.288.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2033$170.759$227.678$284.598
February 2033$174.625$232.833$291.041
March 2033$178.491$237.988$297.485
April 2033$182.357$243.143$303.929
May 2033$186.224$248.298$310.373
June 2033$190.091$253.454$316.818
July 2033$193.957$258.609$323.261
August 2033$197.823$263.764$329.705
September 2033$201.689$268.919$336.149
October 2033$205.556$274.074$342.593
November 2033$209.422$279.229$349.036
December 2033$213.288$284.384$355.48

Frequently Asked Questions

🏧 Where can I buy Whitebit Coin?
You can easily buy Whitebit Coin from BINANCE and trade or invest there.
💰 Is Whitebit Coin a good investment?
Based on our forecast, in short term Whitebit Coin is a good investment and in the long term Whitebit Coin is a bad investment.
⚡ What will be the Whitebit Coin price tomorrow?
By looking at our calculations, Whitebit Coin price could be $18.8961 tomorrow as closing price.
📉 What will be the lowest price for Whitebit Coin in the future?
Per our forecast, the lowest possible price for Whitebit Coin could be $11.9074.
🚀 What will be the highest price for Whitebit Coin in the future?
Per our forecast, the highest possible price for Whitebit Coin could be $355.48.

Whitebit Coin Technical Analysis

WBT/USD (1 days)
Stochastic %K (14, 3, 3)NEUTRAL
Stochastic RSI Fast (3, 3, 14, 14)NEUTRAL
MACD Level (12, 26)SELL
Commodity Channel Index (20)NEUTRAL
Average Directional Index (14)NEUTRAL
Awesome OscillatorNEUTRAL
Momentum (10)SELL
Williams Percent Range (14)SELL
Ultimate Oscillator (7, 14, 28)NEUTRAL
Volume Weighted MA (20)BUY
Hull Moving Average (9)SELL
Ichimoku Cloud B/L (9, 26, 52, 26)NEUTRAL
Bull Bear PowerNEUTRAL

Whitebit Coin Resistance and Support Levels (24 hours)

R3 : $19.4134
R2 : $19.2467
R1 : $19.0534
S1 : $18.6934
S2 : $18.5267
S3 : $18.3334
R3 : $19.2467
R2 : $19.1092
R1 : $19.0242
S1 : $18.7492
S2 : $18.6642
S3 : $18.5267