In the light of different statistical prediction methods and past price analysis we can calculate Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price predictions. We are using complex Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund historical data and combine it with EUTBL moving averages on different time frames. Moreover, we check hourly and daily Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund volume and market cap fluctuations and add these values to our EUTBL prediction data to maximize the precision of our Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund forecast. Broad historical data and general market conditions are also used on all our Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund predictions. All Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price forecasts are predictions and they are not perfect. If you are planning to invest in Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund, be sure to check our forecasts. You can find the future price predictions of Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund below.
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Prediction 2025, 2028, 2033
year | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
2025 | $0.80002 | $1.06669 | $1.33336 |
2026 | $1.74748 | $2.32997 | $2.91246 |
2027 | $2.61773 | $3.4903 | $4.36288 |
2028 | $3.60722 | $4.80963 | $6.01204 |
2029 | $4.89861 | $6.53148 | $8.16435 |
2030 | $6.55434 | $8.73912 | $10.9239 |
2031 | $8.63865 | $11.5182 | $14.3978 |
2032 | $11.213 | $14.9506 | $18.6883 |
2033 | $14.3302 | $19.1069 | $23.8836 |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Prediction tomorrow
By looking at the very recent price changes and hourly candlestick data in Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund, our price prediction system calculates Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund could be very close to 1.05679 USD tomorrow as a closing price. However, as this is a prediction system and not a precise value, this EUTBL prediction may vary by 8% both upwards and downwards.
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Forecast (30 days)
According to our in-depth technical analysis on past price data of Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund, we predict the EUTBL price in one month could be 1.07167 USD.
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Info
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund (EUTBL) | |
EUTBL Live Price | $1.053 |
Market Cap | $97,703,127 |
Available Supply | 92,811,977 |
24h Volume | ? |
24h high | $1.064 |
24h low | $1.048 |
Rank | #477 |
All-time High (ATH) | $1.14 |
All-time High (ATH) Date | September 30, 2024 |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Change
Price Change (1 hour) | -0.04% |
Price Change (24 hours) | -1.03% |
Price Change (7 days) | -2.44% |
Price Change (30 days) | 2.82% |
Price Change (1 year) | 0% |
Price Change Since ATH | -7.47% |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Prediction 2025
Based on our predictions in 2025 Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund minimum price will be $0.80002. The Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund (EUTBL) price can reach to a maximum level of $1.33336. The average price we predict is $1.06669.
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
February 2025 | $0.80417 | $1.07222 | $1.34028 |
March 2025 | $0.80375 | $1.07167 | $1.33959 |
April 2025 | $0.80334 | $1.07112 | $1.3389 |
May 2025 | $0.80292 | $1.07056 | $1.3382 |
June 2025 | $0.80251 | $1.07001 | $1.33751 |
July 2025 | $0.8021 | $1.06946 | $1.33683 |
August 2025 | $0.80168 | $1.0689 | $1.33613 |
September 2025 | $0.80126 | $1.06835 | $1.33544 |
October 2025 | $0.80085 | $1.0678 | $1.33475 |
November 2025 | $0.80043 | $1.06724 | $1.33405 |
December 2025 | $0.80002 | $1.06669 | $1.33336 |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Prediction 2026
By looking at the Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund past price fluctuations our AI forecasts the minimum, average and maximum EUTBL prices as $1.74748, $2.32997, $2.91246
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2026 | $0.87897 | $1.17196 | $1.46495 |
February 2026 | $0.95793 | $1.27724 | $1.59655 |
March 2026 | $1.03688 | $1.38251 | $1.72814 |
April 2026 | $1.11584 | $1.48778 | $1.85973 |
May 2026 | $1.1948 | $1.59306 | $1.99133 |
June 2026 | $1.27375 | $1.69833 | $2.12291 |
July 2026 | $1.3527 | $1.8036 | $2.2545 |
August 2026 | $1.43166 | $1.90888 | $2.3861 |
September 2026 | $1.51061 | $2.01415 | $2.51769 |
October 2026 | $1.58957 | $2.11942 | $2.64928 |
November 2026 | $1.66853 | $2.2247 | $2.78088 |
December 2026 | $1.74748 | $2.32997 | $2.91246 |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund Price Forecast 2027
As per our Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund forecasts and technical analysis, the lowest Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price in 2027 could be $2.61773 and the average price of Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund could be $3.4903. Also the highest EUTBL price might go as high as $4.36288
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2027 | $1.82 | $2.42666 | $3.03333 |
February 2027 | $1.89252 | $2.52336 | $3.1542 |
March 2027 | $1.96504 | $2.62005 | $3.27506 |
April 2027 | $2.03756 | $2.71675 | $3.39594 |
May 2027 | $2.11008 | $2.81344 | $3.5168 |
June 2027 | $2.18261 | $2.91014 | $3.63768 |
July 2027 | $2.25512 | $3.00683 | $3.75854 |
August 2027 | $2.32764 | $3.10352 | $3.8794 |
September 2027 | $2.40017 | $3.20022 | $4.00028 |
October 2027 | $2.47268 | $3.29691 | $4.12114 |
November 2027 | $2.54521 | $3.39361 | $4.24201 |
December 2027 | $2.61773 | $3.4903 | $4.36288 |
EUTBL Price Prediction 2028
According to our well-developed prediction system average Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price would be $4.80963. When checking the lowest possible EUTBL price it would be $3.60722 and the highest possible Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price could be $6.01204
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2028 | $2.70018 | $3.60024 | $4.5003 |
February 2028 | $2.78264 | $3.71019 | $4.63774 |
March 2028 | $2.8651 | $3.82013 | $4.77516 |
April 2028 | $2.94756 | $3.93008 | $4.9126 |
May 2028 | $3.03002 | $4.04002 | $5.05003 |
June 2028 | $3.11248 | $4.14997 | $5.18746 |
July 2028 | $3.19493 | $4.25991 | $5.32489 |
August 2028 | $3.27739 | $4.36985 | $5.46231 |
September 2028 | $3.35985 | $4.4798 | $5.59975 |
October 2028 | $3.44231 | $4.58974 | $5.73718 |
November 2028 | $3.52477 | $4.69969 | $5.87461 |
December 2028 | $3.60722 | $4.80963 | $6.01204 |
EUTBL Price Forecast 2029
In 2029, we predict the maximum Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price could be $8.16435 and the minimum Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price could be $4.89861. For 2029 the most realistic price and the average price of EUTBL could be $6.53148.
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2029 | $3.71484 | $4.95312 | $6.1914 |
February 2029 | $3.82246 | $5.09661 | $6.37076 |
March 2029 | $3.93007 | $5.24009 | $6.55011 |
April 2029 | $4.03769 | $5.38358 | $6.72948 |
May 2029 | $4.1453 | $5.52707 | $6.90884 |
June 2029 | $4.25292 | $5.67056 | $7.0882 |
July 2029 | $4.36053 | $5.81404 | $7.26755 |
August 2029 | $4.46815 | $5.95753 | $7.44691 |
September 2029 | $4.57577 | $6.10102 | $7.62628 |
October 2029 | $4.68338 | $6.24451 | $7.80564 |
November 2029 | $4.79099 | $6.38799 | $7.98499 |
December 2029 | $4.89861 | $6.53148 | $8.16435 |
EUTBL Price Forecast 2030
On the other hand, in 2030, we forecast the lowest possible price of Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund as $6.55434 whereas the highest possible EUTBL price could be $10.9239. We predict the average Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price might be $8.73912 in 2030.
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2030 | $5.03659 | $6.71545 | $8.39431 |
February 2030 | $5.17457 | $6.89942 | $8.62428 |
March 2030 | $5.31254 | $7.08339 | $8.85424 |
April 2030 | $5.45052 | $7.26736 | $9.0842 |
May 2030 | $5.5885 | $7.45133 | $9.31416 |
June 2030 | $5.72648 | $7.6353 | $9.54413 |
July 2030 | $5.86445 | $7.81927 | $9.77409 |
August 2030 | $6.00243 | $8.00324 | $10.0041 |
September 2030 | $6.14041 | $8.18721 | $10.234 |
October 2030 | $6.27839 | $8.37118 | $10.464 |
November 2030 | $6.41636 | $8.55515 | $10.6939 |
December 2030 | $6.55434 | $8.73912 | $10.9239 |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund (EUTBL) Price Prediction 2031
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price is predicted to reach a maximum level of $14.3978 in 2031. According to our EUTBL technical forecast the minimum Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price could reach as low as $8.63865 while the average price for EUTBL is $11.5182.
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2031 | $6.72803 | $8.97071 | $11.2134 |
February 2031 | $6.90173 | $9.2023 | $11.5029 |
March 2031 | $7.07542 | $9.43389 | $11.7924 |
April 2031 | $7.24911 | $9.66548 | $12.0819 |
May 2031 | $7.4228 | $9.89707 | $12.3713 |
June 2031 | $7.59653 | $10.1287 | $12.6609 |
July 2031 | $7.77023 | $10.3603 | $12.9504 |
August 2031 | $7.94385 | $10.5918 | $13.2398 |
September 2031 | $8.11755 | $10.8234 | $13.5293 |
October 2031 | $8.29125 | $11.055 | $13.8188 |
November 2031 | $8.46495 | $11.2866 | $14.1083 |
December 2031 | $8.63865 | $11.5182 | $14.3978 |
Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund (EUTBL) Price Forecast 2032
When we calculate the Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund near future price prediction for 2032, we find out the lowest possible price for Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund is predicted to be $11.213 whereas the highest possible price for Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund forecast is $18.6883. In 2032, the average EUTBL price prediction is $14.9506.
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2032 | $8.85315 | $11.8042 | $14.7553 |
February 2032 | $9.06773 | $12.0903 | $15.1129 |
March 2032 | $9.28223 | $12.3763 | $15.4704 |
April 2032 | $9.49673 | $12.6623 | $15.8279 |
May 2032 | $9.7113 | $12.9484 | $16.1855 |
June 2032 | $9.9258 | $13.2344 | $16.543 |
July 2032 | $10.1403 | $13.5204 | $16.9005 |
August 2032 | $10.3549 | $13.8065 | $17.2581 |
September 2032 | $10.5694 | $14.0925 | $17.6156 |
October 2032 | $10.7839 | $14.3785 | $17.9731 |
November 2032 | $10.9985 | $14.6646 | $18.3308 |
December 2032 | $11.213 | $14.9506 | $18.6883 |
EUTBL (Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund) Price Prediction 2033
Based on the Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund historical price data, in 2033, we calculate the Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price forecast average as $19.1069, however the highest EUTBL price could reach $23.8836 while the lowest Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price could drop as low as $14.3302.
month | min. price | avg. price | max. price |
January 2033 | $11.4728 | $15.297 | $19.1213 |
February 2033 | $11.7325 | $15.6433 | $19.5541 |
March 2033 | $11.9923 | $15.9897 | $19.9871 |
April 2033 | $12.252 | $16.336 | $20.42 |
May 2033 | $12.5118 | $16.6824 | $20.853 |
June 2033 | $12.7716 | $17.0288 | $21.286 |
July 2033 | $13.0313 | $17.3751 | $21.7189 |
August 2033 | $13.2911 | $17.7215 | $22.1519 |
September 2033 | $13.5509 | $18.0678 | $22.5848 |
October 2033 | $13.8107 | $18.4142 | $23.0178 |
November 2033 | $14.0704 | $18.7605 | $23.4506 |
December 2033 | $14.3302 | $19.1069 | $23.8836 |
Frequently Asked Questions
🏧 Where can I buy Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund?
You can easily buy Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund from
BINANCE and trade or invest there.
💰 Is Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund a good investment?
Based on our forecast, in short term Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund is a good investment and in the long term Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund is a good investment.
⚡ What will be the Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price tomorrow?
By looking at our calculations, Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund price could be $1.05679 tomorrow as closing price.
📉 What will be the lowest price for Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund in the future?
Per our forecast, the lowest possible price for Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund could be $0.80002.
🚀 What will be the highest price for Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund in the future?
Per our forecast, the highest possible price for Spiko Eu T-bills Money Market Fund could be $23.8836.