Market Cap $3,533,207,163,893
Dominance BTC 58.00% ETH 12.39% XRP 3.80%

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Prediction

In the light of different statistical prediction methods and past price analysis we can calculate Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price predictions. We are using complex Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 historical data and combine it with SKG888 moving averages on different time frames. Moreover, we check hourly and daily Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 volume and market cap fluctuations and add these values to our SKG888 prediction data to maximize the precision of our Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 forecast. Broad historical data and general market conditions are also used on all our Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 predictions. All Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price forecasts are predictions and they are not perfect. If you are planning to invest in Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888, be sure to check our forecasts. You can find the future price predictions of Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 below.

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Prediction 2025, 2028, 2033

yearmin. priceavg. pricemax. price

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Prediction tomorrow

By looking at the very recent price changes and hourly candlestick data in Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888, our price prediction system calculates Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 could be very close to 0.00004826 USD tomorrow as a closing price. However, as this is a prediction system and not a precise value, this SKG888 prediction may vary by 8% both upwards and downwards.

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Forecast (30 days)

According to our in-depth technical analysis on past price data of Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888, we predict the SKG888 price in one month could be 0.0009049 USD.

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Info

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 (SKG888)
SKG888 Live Price$0.00004587
Market Cap$35,778
Available Supply780,036,841
24h Volume$2,406
24h high$0.00005355
24h low$0.00004523
All-time High (ATH)$0.00682
All-time High (ATH) DateNovember 13, 2024

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Change

Price Change (1 hour)1%
Price Change (24 hours)-14.24%
Price Change (7 days)-90.49%
Price Change (30 days)-98.49%
Price Change (1 year)0%
Price Change Since ATH-99.33%

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Prediction 2025

Based on our predictions in 2025 Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 minimum price will be $0.0003128. The Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 (SKG888) price can reach to a maximum level of $0.0005213. The average price we predict is $0.000417.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2025$0.0007153$0.0009537$0.001192
February 2025$0.0006787$0.0009049$0.001131
March 2025$0.0006421$0.0008561$0.00107
April 2025$0.0006055$0.0008073$0.001009
May 2025$0.0005689$0.0007585$0.0009481
June 2025$0.0005323$0.0007097$0.0008871
July 2025$0.0004958$0.000661$0.0008263
August 2025$0.0004592$0.0006122$0.0007653
September 2025$0.0004226$0.0005634$0.0007043
October 2025$0.000386$0.0005146$0.0006433
November 2025$0.0003494$0.0004658$0.0005823
December 2025$0.0003128$0.000417$0.0005213

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Prediction 2026

By looking at the Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 past price fluctuations our AI forecasts the minimum, average and maximum SKG888 prices as $0.0005567, $0.0007422, $0.0009278
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2026$0.0003331$0.0004441$0.0005551
February 2026$0.0003534$0.0004712$0.000589
March 2026$0.0003737$0.0004983$0.0006229
April 2026$0.0003941$0.0005254$0.0006568
May 2026$0.0004144$0.0005525$0.0006906
June 2026$0.0004347$0.0005796$0.0007245
July 2026$0.000455$0.0006067$0.0007584
August 2026$0.0004754$0.0006338$0.0007923
September 2026$0.0004957$0.0006609$0.0008261
October 2026$0.000516$0.000688$0.00086
November 2026$0.0005363$0.0007151$0.0008939
December 2026$0.0005567$0.0007422$0.0009278

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Price Forecast 2027

As per our Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 forecasts and technical analysis, the lowest Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price in 2027 could be $0.000834 and the average price of Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 could be $0.001112. Also the highest SKG888 price might go as high as $0.00139
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2027$0.0005798$0.000773$0.0009663
February 2027$0.0006029$0.0008038$0.001005
March 2027$0.000626$0.0008347$0.001043
April 2027$0.0006491$0.0008655$0.001082
May 2027$0.0006722$0.0008963$0.00112
June 2027$0.0006953$0.0009271$0.001159
July 2027$0.0007184$0.0009579$0.001197
August 2027$0.0007415$0.0009887$0.001236
September 2027$0.000765$0.00102$0.001275
October 2027$0.0007875$0.00105$0.001313
November 2027$0.0008108$0.001081$0.001351
December 2027$0.000834$0.001112$0.00139

SKG888 Price Prediction 2028

According to our well-developed prediction system average Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price would be $0.001532. When checking the lowest possible SKG888 price it would be $0.001149 and the highest possible Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price could be $0.001915
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2028$0.0008603$0.001147$0.001434
February 2028$0.0008865$0.001182$0.001478
March 2028$0.0009128$0.001217$0.001521
April 2028$0.000939$0.001252$0.001565
May 2028$0.0009653$0.001287$0.001609
June 2028$0.0009915$0.001322$0.001653
July 2028$0.001018$0.001357$0.001696
August 2028$0.001044$0.001392$0.00174
September 2028$0.00107$0.001427$0.001784
October 2028$0.001097$0.001462$0.001828
November 2028$0.001123$0.001497$0.001871
December 2028$0.001149$0.001532$0.001915

SKG888 Price Forecast 2029

In 2029, we predict the maximum Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price could be $0.0026 and the minimum Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price could be $0.00156. For 2029 the most realistic price and the average price of SKG888 could be $0.00208.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2029$0.001184$0.001578$0.001973
February 2029$0.001217$0.001623$0.002029
March 2029$0.001252$0.001669$0.002086
April 2029$0.001286$0.001715$0.002144
May 2029$0.00132$0.00176$0.0022
June 2029$0.001355$0.001806$0.002258
July 2029$0.001389$0.001852$0.002315
August 2029$0.001423$0.001897$0.002371
September 2029$0.001457$0.001943$0.002429
October 2029$0.001492$0.001989$0.002486
November 2029$0.001526$0.002034$0.002543
December 2029$0.00156$0.00208$0.0026

SKG888 Price Forecast 2030

On the other hand, in 2030, we forecast the lowest possible price of Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 as $0.002087 whereas the highest possible SKG888 price could be $0.003479. We predict the average Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price might be $0.002783 in 2030.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2030$0.001604$0.002139$0.002674
February 2030$0.001648$0.002197$0.002746
March 2030$0.001692$0.002256$0.00282
April 2030$0.001736$0.002314$0.002893
May 2030$0.00178$0.002373$0.002966
June 2030$0.001824$0.002432$0.00304
July 2030$0.001868$0.00249$0.003113
August 2030$0.001912$0.002549$0.003186
September 2030$0.001955$0.002607$0.003259
October 2030$0.002$0.002666$0.003333
November 2030$0.002043$0.002724$0.003405
December 2030$0.002087$0.002783$0.003479

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 (SKG888) Price Prediction 2031

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price is predicted to reach a maximum level of $0.004585 in 2031. According to our SKG888 technical forecast the minimum Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price could reach as low as $0.002751 while the average price for SKG888 is $0.003668.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2031$0.002143$0.002857$0.003571
February 2031$0.002198$0.002931$0.003664
March 2031$0.002253$0.003004$0.003755
April 2031$0.002309$0.003078$0.003848
May 2031$0.002364$0.003152$0.00394
June 2031$0.00242$0.003226$0.004033
July 2031$0.002474$0.003299$0.004124
August 2031$0.00253$0.003373$0.004216
September 2031$0.002585$0.003447$0.004309
October 2031$0.002641$0.003521$0.004401
November 2031$0.002696$0.003594$0.004493
December 2031$0.002751$0.003668$0.004585

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 (SKG888) Price Forecast 2032

When we calculate the Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 near future price prediction for 2032, we find out the lowest possible price for Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 is predicted to be $0.003571 whereas the highest possible price for Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 forecast is $0.005951. In 2032, the average SKG888 price prediction is $0.004761.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2032$0.002819$0.003759$0.004699
February 2032$0.002888$0.00385$0.004813
March 2032$0.002956$0.003941$0.004926
April 2032$0.003024$0.004032$0.00504
May 2032$0.003092$0.004123$0.005154
June 2032$0.003161$0.004215$0.005269
July 2032$0.00323$0.004306$0.005383
August 2032$0.003298$0.004397$0.005496
September 2032$0.003366$0.004488$0.00561
October 2032$0.003434$0.004579$0.005724
November 2032$0.003503$0.00467$0.005838
December 2032$0.003571$0.004761$0.005951

SKG888 (Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888) Price Prediction 2033

Based on the Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 historical price data, in 2033, we calculate the Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price forecast average as $0.006085, however the highest SKG888 price could reach $0.007606 while the lowest Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price could drop as low as $0.004564.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2033$0.003653$0.004871$0.006089
February 2033$0.003737$0.004982$0.006228
March 2033$0.003819$0.005092$0.006365
April 2033$0.003902$0.005202$0.006503
May 2033$0.003985$0.005313$0.006641
June 2033$0.004067$0.005423$0.006779
July 2033$0.00415$0.005533$0.006916
August 2033$0.004233$0.005644$0.007055
September 2033$0.004316$0.005754$0.007193
October 2033$0.004398$0.005864$0.00733
November 2033$0.004481$0.005975$0.007469
December 2033$0.004564$0.006085$0.007606

Frequently Asked Questions

🏧 Where can I buy Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888?
You can easily buy Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 from BINANCE and trade or invest there.
💰 Is Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 a good investment?
Based on our forecast, in short term Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 is a good investment and in the long term Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 is a good investment.
⚡ What will be the Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price tomorrow?
By looking at our calculations, Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 price could be $0.00004826 tomorrow as closing price.
📉 What will be the lowest price for Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 in the future?
Per our forecast, the lowest possible price for Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 could be $0.00004826.
🚀 What will be the highest price for Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 in the future?
Per our forecast, the highest possible price for Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 could be $0.007606.

Safu & Kek Gigafundz 888 Resistance and Support Levels (24 hours)

R3 : $0.00005953
R2 : $0.00005654
R1 : $0.00005121
S1 : $0.00004289
S2 : $0.0000399
S3 : $0.00003457
R3 : $0.00005654
R2 : $0.00005336
R1 : $0.0000514
S1 : $0.00004504
S2 : $0.00004308
S3 : $0.0000399