Market Cap $3,697,073,030,203
Dominance BTC 56.57% ETH 12.76% XRP 3.99%

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Prediction

In the light of different statistical prediction methods and past price analysis we can calculate $ccb 鸡鸡币 price predictions. We are using complex $ccb 鸡鸡币 historical data and combine it with 鸡鸡币 (CCB) moving averages on different time frames. Moreover, we check hourly and daily $ccb 鸡鸡币 volume and market cap fluctuations and add these values to our 鸡鸡币 (CCB) prediction data to maximize the precision of our $ccb 鸡鸡币 forecast. Broad historical data and general market conditions are also used on all our $ccb 鸡鸡币 predictions. All $ccb 鸡鸡币 price forecasts are predictions and they are not perfect. If you are planning to invest in $ccb 鸡鸡币, be sure to check our forecasts. You can find the future price predictions of $ccb 鸡鸡币 below.

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Prediction 2025, 2028, 2033

yearmin. priceavg. pricemax. price

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Prediction tomorrow

By looking at the very recent price changes and hourly candlestick data in $ccb 鸡鸡币, our price prediction system calculates $ccb 鸡鸡币 could be very close to 0.00000331 USD tomorrow as a closing price. However, as this is a prediction system and not a precise value, this 鸡鸡币 (CCB) prediction may vary by 8% both upwards and downwards.

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Forecast (30 days)

According to our in-depth technical analysis on past price data of $ccb 鸡鸡币, we predict the 鸡鸡币 (CCB) price in one month could be 0.000002931 USD.

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Info

$ccb 鸡鸡币 (鸡鸡币 (CCB))
鸡鸡币 (CCB) Live Price$0.00000331
Market Cap?
Available Supply?
24h Volume$224
24h high$0.00000332
24h low$0.0000033
All-time High (ATH)$0.0001605
All-time High (ATH) DateFebruary 08, 2024

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Change

Price Change (1 hour)0%
Price Change (24 hours)-0.02%
Price Change (7 days)-71.44%
Price Change (30 days)-74.76%
Price Change (1 year)0%
Price Change Since ATH-97.94%

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Prediction 2025

Based on our predictions in 2025 $ccb 鸡鸡币 minimum price will be $0.00002126. The $ccb 鸡鸡币 (鸡鸡币 (CCB)) price can reach to a maximum level of $0.00003544. The average price we predict is $0.00002835.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2025$0.0000002918$0.0000003891$0.0000004864
February 2025$0.000002198$0.000002931$0.000003664
March 2025$0.000004105$0.000005473$0.000006841
April 2025$0.000006011$0.000008015$0.00001002
May 2025$0.00000792$0.00001056$0.0000132
June 2025$0.000009825$0.0000131$0.00001638
July 2025$0.00001173$0.00001564$0.00001955
August 2025$0.00001364$0.00001818$0.00002273
September 2025$0.00001554$0.00002072$0.0000259
October 2025$0.00001745$0.00002327$0.00002909
November 2025$0.00001936$0.00002581$0.00003226
December 2025$0.00002126$0.00002835$0.00003544

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Prediction 2026

By looking at the $ccb 鸡鸡币 past price fluctuations our AI forecasts the minimum, average and maximum 鸡鸡币 (CCB) prices as $0.00003785, $0.00005047, $0.00006309
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2026$0.00002264$0.00003019$0.00003774
February 2026$0.00002403$0.00003204$0.00004005
March 2026$0.00002541$0.00003388$0.00004235
April 2026$0.00002679$0.00003572$0.00004465
May 2026$0.00002818$0.00003757$0.00004696
June 2026$0.00002956$0.00003941$0.00004926
July 2026$0.00003094$0.00004125$0.00005156
August 2026$0.00003233$0.0000431$0.00005388
September 2026$0.00003371$0.00004494$0.00005618
October 2026$0.00003509$0.00004678$0.00005848
November 2026$0.00003647$0.00004863$0.00006079
December 2026$0.00003785$0.00005047$0.00006309

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Price Forecast 2027

As per our $ccb 鸡鸡币 forecasts and technical analysis, the lowest $ccb 鸡鸡币 price in 2027 could be $0.0000567 and the average price of $ccb 鸡鸡币 could be $0.0000756. Also the highest 鸡鸡币 (CCB) price might go as high as $0.0000945
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2027$0.00003942$0.00005256$0.0000657
February 2027$0.000041$0.00005466$0.00006833
March 2027$0.00004256$0.00005675$0.00007094
April 2027$0.00004414$0.00005885$0.00007356
May 2027$0.00004571$0.00006094$0.00007618
June 2027$0.00004728$0.00006304$0.0000788
July 2027$0.00004885$0.00006513$0.00008141
August 2027$0.00005042$0.00006722$0.00008403
September 2027$0.00005199$0.00006932$0.00008665
October 2027$0.00005356$0.00007141$0.00008926
November 2027$0.00005513$0.00007351$0.00009189
December 2027$0.0000567$0.0000756$0.0000945

鸡鸡币 (CCB) Price Prediction 2028

According to our well-developed prediction system average $ccb 鸡鸡币 price would be $0.0001042. When checking the lowest possible 鸡鸡币 (CCB) price it would be $0.00007815 and the highest possible $ccb 鸡鸡币 price could be $0.0001303
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2028$0.00005849$0.00007798$0.00009748
February 2028$0.00006028$0.00008037$0.0001005
March 2028$0.00006206$0.00008275$0.0001034
April 2028$0.00006385$0.00008513$0.0001064
May 2028$0.00006564$0.00008752$0.0001094
June 2028$0.00006743$0.0000899$0.0001124
July 2028$0.00006921$0.00009228$0.0001154
August 2028$0.000071$0.00009467$0.0001183
September 2028$0.00007279$0.00009705$0.0001213
October 2028$0.00007457$0.00009943$0.0001243
November 2028$0.00007635$0.0001018$0.0001273
December 2028$0.00007815$0.0001042$0.0001303

鸡鸡币 (CCB) Price Forecast 2029

In 2029, we predict the maximum $ccb 鸡鸡币 price could be $0.0001769 and the minimum $ccb 鸡鸡币 price could be $0.0001061. For 2029 the most realistic price and the average price of 鸡鸡币 (CCB) could be $0.0001415.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2029$0.00008048$0.0001073$0.0001341
February 2029$0.0000828$0.0001104$0.000138
March 2029$0.00008513$0.0001135$0.0001419
April 2029$0.00008745$0.0001166$0.0001458
May 2029$0.00008978$0.0001197$0.0001496
June 2029$0.00009218$0.0001229$0.0001536
July 2029$0.0000945$0.000126$0.0001575
August 2029$0.00009683$0.0001291$0.0001614
September 2029$0.00009915$0.0001322$0.0001653
October 2029$0.0001015$0.0001353$0.0001691
November 2029$0.0001038$0.0001384$0.000173
December 2029$0.0001061$0.0001415$0.0001769

鸡鸡币 (CCB) Price Forecast 2030

On the other hand, in 2030, we forecast the lowest possible price of $ccb 鸡鸡币 as $0.000142 whereas the highest possible 鸡鸡币 (CCB) price could be $0.0002366. We predict the average $ccb 鸡鸡币 price might be $0.0001893 in 2030.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2030$0.0001091$0.0001455$0.0001819
February 2030$0.0001121$0.0001495$0.0001869
March 2030$0.0001151$0.0001535$0.0001919
April 2030$0.0001181$0.0001574$0.0001968
May 2030$0.0001211$0.0001614$0.0002018
June 2030$0.0001241$0.0001654$0.0002068
July 2030$0.0001271$0.0001694$0.0002118
August 2030$0.0001301$0.0001734$0.0002168
September 2030$0.0001331$0.0001774$0.0002218
October 2030$0.000136$0.0001813$0.0002266
November 2030$0.000139$0.0001853$0.0002316
December 2030$0.000142$0.0001893$0.0002366

$ccb 鸡鸡币 (鸡鸡币 (CCB)) Price Prediction 2031

$ccb 鸡鸡币 price is predicted to reach a maximum level of $0.0003119 in 2031. According to our 鸡鸡币 (CCB) technical forecast the minimum $ccb 鸡鸡币 price could reach as low as $0.0001871 while the average price for 鸡鸡币 (CCB) is $0.0002495.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2031$0.0001457$0.0001943$0.0002429
February 2031$0.0001495$0.0001993$0.0002491
March 2031$0.0001533$0.0002044$0.0002555
April 2031$0.0001571$0.0002094$0.0002618
May 2031$0.0001608$0.0002144$0.000268
June 2031$0.0001646$0.0002194$0.0002743
July 2031$0.0001683$0.0002244$0.0002805
August 2031$0.0001721$0.0002294$0.0002868
September 2031$0.0001759$0.0002345$0.0002931
October 2031$0.0001796$0.0002395$0.0002994
November 2031$0.0001834$0.0002445$0.0003056
December 2031$0.0001871$0.0002495$0.0003119

$ccb 鸡鸡币 (鸡鸡币 (CCB)) Price Forecast 2032

When we calculate the $ccb 鸡鸡币 near future price prediction for 2032, we find out the lowest possible price for $ccb 鸡鸡币 is predicted to be $0.0002429 whereas the highest possible price for $ccb 鸡鸡币 forecast is $0.0004049. In 2032, the average 鸡鸡币 (CCB) price prediction is $0.0003239.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2032$0.0001918$0.0002557$0.0003196
February 2032$0.0001964$0.0002619$0.0003274
March 2032$0.0002011$0.0002681$0.0003351
April 2032$0.0002057$0.0002743$0.0003429
May 2032$0.0002104$0.0002805$0.0003506
June 2032$0.000215$0.0002867$0.0003584
July 2032$0.0002197$0.0002929$0.0003661
August 2032$0.0002243$0.0002991$0.0003739
September 2032$0.000229$0.0003053$0.0003816
October 2032$0.0002336$0.0003115$0.0003894
November 2032$0.0002383$0.0003177$0.0003971
December 2032$0.0002429$0.0003239$0.0004049

鸡鸡币 (CCB) ($ccb 鸡鸡币) Price Prediction 2033

Based on the $ccb 鸡鸡币 historical price data, in 2033, we calculate the $ccb 鸡鸡币 price forecast average as $0.0004139, however the highest 鸡鸡币 (CCB) price could reach $0.0005174 while the lowest $ccb 鸡鸡币 price could drop as low as $0.0003104.
monthmin. priceavg. pricemax. price
January 2033$0.0002486$0.0003314$0.0004143
February 2033$0.0002542$0.0003389$0.0004236
March 2033$0.0002598$0.0003464$0.000433
April 2033$0.0002654$0.0003539$0.0004424
May 2033$0.0002711$0.0003614$0.0004518
June 2033$0.0002767$0.0003689$0.0004611
July 2033$0.0002823$0.0003764$0.0004705
August 2033$0.0002879$0.0003839$0.0004799
September 2033$0.0002936$0.0003914$0.0004893
October 2033$0.0002992$0.0003989$0.0004986
November 2033$0.0003048$0.0004064$0.000508
December 2033$0.0003104$0.0004139$0.0005174

Frequently Asked Questions

🏧 Where can I buy $ccb 鸡鸡币?
You can easily buy $ccb 鸡鸡币 from BINANCE and trade or invest there.
💰 Is $ccb 鸡鸡币 a good investment?
Based on our forecast, in short term $ccb 鸡鸡币 is a bad investment and in the long term $ccb 鸡鸡币 is a good investment.
⚡ What will be the $ccb 鸡鸡币 price tomorrow?
By looking at our calculations, $ccb 鸡鸡币 price could be $0.00000331 tomorrow as closing price.
📉 What will be the lowest price for $ccb 鸡鸡币 in the future?
Per our forecast, the lowest possible price for $ccb 鸡鸡币 could be $0.000002931.
🚀 What will be the highest price for $ccb 鸡鸡币 in the future?
Per our forecast, the highest possible price for $ccb 鸡鸡币 could be $0.0005174.

$ccb 鸡鸡币 Resistance and Support Levels (24 hours)

R3 : $0.00000334
R2 : $0.00000333
R1 : $0.00000332
S1 : $0.0000033
S2 : $0.00000329
S3 : $0.00000328
R3 : $0.00000333
R2 : $0.000003322
R1 : $0.000003318
S1 : $0.000003302
S2 : $0.000003298
S3 : $0.00000329